Benefits of Using Clay Pots for Cooking

Benefits of Using Clay Pots for Cooking

Benefits of Using Clay Pots for Cooking. During cooking in aluminum, iron utensils, food often gets burnt and gets overcooked. Which of course is easy to digest but becomes zero in taste and nutrition.

Benefits of Using Clay Pots for Cooking
Benefits of Using Clay Pots for Cooking

During cooking in aluminum, iron utensils, food often gets burnt and gets overcooked. Which of course is easy to digest but becomes zero in taste and nutrition. But food is properly cooked in earthen pot on low flame.

Aluminum, brass utensils are used for cooking and most of the nutrition of food ends up in them, but if we use earthen utensils instead, most of the nutrition of food remains in them. Which is necessary for our health.

It is generally advised to eat food only after heating it, but reheating it frequently makes a difference in taste. But if you cook food in a clay pot, the food stays hot for a long time.

Be it kulhad chai or handi biryani, you will be familiar with its taste. Even today in villages, most households use earthenware for cooking and eating food, with a wide variety of tastes. So cook food in clay pots to preserve the taste and aroma.

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Benefits of Using Clay Pots for Cooking

Clay pots keep Nutritive Value of Food માટીના વાસણો ખોરાકનું પોષક મૂલ્ય રાખે છે

The clay pots obtain heated slowly and cooks the food slowly as compared to aluminium or other metallic utensils. Clay pot’s cellular nature permits both steam and heat to circulate through the food, which results in thorough yet aromatic cooked food. Benefits Of Drinking Water In A Copper Vessel

This lets the food retain more nutritive value than food made in other kinds of utensils. Even , meat made in clay pots remains juicy and tender..

Cooking in Clay Pots supports your Heart માટીના વાસણમાં રસોઈ તમારા હૃદયને ટેકો આપે છે

The slower cooking process, supports to retain the natural moisture and natural oils present in the food, as a result you need comparatively less use of oil for cooking. When you utilize less oils, it is naturally better for your heart.

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Earthen pots support regulate the PH balance of your food માટીના વાસણો તમારા ખોરાકના PH સંતુલનને નિયંત્રિત કરે છે

Clay pots being alkaline in nature supports in neutralizing the PH balance of the food by interacting with the acid present in the food. The earthen pots not only make the food healthier but even add a nice aroma to it.

Give Minerals ખનિજો આપો

Clay pots include iron, phosphorus, magnesium and several other minerals. The food cooked in earthen pots obtains added iron, calcium, magnesium and sulfur which plays a vital role for the well being of a human body.

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વાંચો ગુજરાતીમાં અહિ થી

And Yes they are Environment Friendly too અને હા તેઓ પર્યાવરણને અનુકૂળ પણ છે

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Beyond being good just for food, unglazed earthen pots hold lots of assurance for the environment.

Clay pots are inexpensive and not so hard on your pocket. Additionally , as the tradition of cooking in clay pots is almost dying, by purchasing a clay pot you indirectly help a family financially.

ગુજરાતીમાં અહિ થી વાંચો.

We often see terracotta items but mostly as showcases and decorative items but an earthen pot is hardly ever put to utilize in the kitchen. However, when it comes to health advantages , it scores over aluminium.

While finding clay pots is not a tough task. It is tough to get products in their purest form, but it isn’t impossible. If you really wish to start cooking in clay pots, make sure you do not buy any glazed or polished one, rather try and discover unglazed clay pots.

Majorly due to , the materials used for glazing pots may include lead, mercury and many others that can be hazardous for health.

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