Buttermilk a useful herbal remedy in many diseases

Buttermilk a useful herbal remedy in many diseases

Buttermilk a useful herbal remedy in many diseases. Do you drink buttermilk with food? Pay special attention. We use many types of drinks with food but mostly buttermilk is used in every home. Buttermilk removes toxins from the body. Buttermilk acts like nectar in heat. Buttermilk is a drink that provides energy to the body and also boosts immunity. A good drink gives energy to the body and also boosts immunity in the body. But those things never cause side effects if there is a right time for everything and a few things are taken care of.

Buttermilk has special importance among the nutrients that our body needs for proper nutrition. We Vaidyos call buttermilk ‘Takra’ in Ayurvedic terminology. In terms of qualities, buttermilk is truly the ‘nectar’ of mankind.

Takr means buttermilk. Takr has been called the ‘elixir’ of bugs. Properly consumed buttermilk keeps the body healthy, strong and energetic by removing all the disorders of the body.

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It is said that… “If there was buttermilk in heaven, Mahadev i.e. Shankar’s throat would not have turned black due to poison, Kubera would not have had leprosy. Ganapati would not have had a big stomach and the moon would not have decayed. This may seem like an exaggeration about buttermilk, but it cannot be said that there are many qualities in buttermilk.”

Buttermilk a useful herbal remedy in many diseases
Buttermilk a useful herbal remedy in many diseases

Consumption of buttermilk increases the digestive power by easily digesting all the food in the stomach. This is why there is no other substance as beneficial as takra-chasha in the disease called Samharani.

Buttermilk with asafoetida, cumin and sindhav cures diarrhoea-hemorrhoea and gum colic below the navel. Dadir with urinary incontinence drank buttermilk after adding jaggery. In diarrhoea, powder of Chitrakamool and drink buttermilk. In the scorching heat of summer, drinking buttermilk with a little sugar as a cold drink gives relief from the heat.

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In winter, by adding Sindhav to buttermilk mixed with coriander and cumin seeds, nutrients are easily digested. Properly consumed buttermilk defeats all three doshas. Hence it is said in Ayurveda ‘Bhojnante Takran Pibett’.

Buttermilk infused with cinnamon and sindhav is excellent in respiratory diseases. Buttermilk consumed with asafoetida-cumin and sindhaloon soothes extremely pungent gas. Sugar-sweetened whey is especially beneficial in bile diseases. Ginger pepper and buttermilk with pepper are beneficial in Kapha related diseases.

Treatment for diarrhoea: Indrayava- Nagarmoth, Nagakesar, Lodhra- Suntha and Mocharas are made into powder and mixed with native sugar and consumed with buttermilk, old diarrhea is calmed down. Drinking cumin powder mixed with buttermilk is also beneficial in diarrhoea.

Takra treatment in dysentery: Roasted cumin seeds taken with buttermilk along with light meals like khichdi, rice are beneficial in dysentery.

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છાશ પિવાના અઠળક ફાયદાઓ વાંચો ગુજરાતીમાં

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In Ayurveda, buttermilk is said to be the best in all stomach ailments. Old age comes late to those who consume buttermilk. Whey is also Ayurveda’s Amol Ushadha to keep the face from wrinkling and keeping the beauty intact for beauty lovers. Consumption of buttermilk does not cause diseases in the stomach and intestines and if diseases have occurred, the disease is quickly removed by consumption of medicine and takar. Thus, buttermilk is a boon for protecting the health and beauty of the body both internally and externally, yet consuming buttermilk is not beneficial for some people.

This article is for information only. Before using this treatment, you should consult your doctor or a specialist in this matter and make necessary inquiries.

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