Made By:-
Dipikaben B. Patel,
Tarijpad Pra. Shala, Saroda,
Ta. Umargam, Dis. Valsad.
વાલીશ્રીઓ સાથે રહી બાળકોને પ્રેક્ટીસ કરાવવી તથા પ્રશ્નોનો મહાવરો કરવવો.👪
Thus the word mano takes it from the family to the introduction to the world. Suppose this same word takes him to the school rooms, then sitting in those rooms will make it easier for him to know, to know, to understand the world. One of the most well-known rules of education is the introduction of strangers from acquaintances or with the help of acquaintances.
Blessed are the children who enter the Gyanmandir holding the finger of the mother tongue, but also their parents are blessed. Because in that Gyanmandir they are going to be introduced to many other languages as well. But unfortunately, those who have to grasp the finger of another language as soon as they enter the Gyan Mandir are confused.
ધોરણ 1 ની ટેસ્ટ આપવા નીચે આપેલ પ્રકરણ પર ક્લિક કરવું.
Mani is not even allowed to hold the finger of the language, his life is suffocated there. They become orphans. Becomes a registrar. Other subjects of such children remain weak but their grasp of other languages also becomes very weak. The difference is that there are a few exceptions. I. Kavishree Umashankarbhai, luckily, he got the opportunity to lay the foundation of primary education through his mother tongue through Gandhigira Gujarati, which is always emerging with gentle splendor.
In Parliament, in the idiosyncratic literary circles of the country, in the secular society of the world, holding the finger of a word of another language, even if it is Mahalia, he does not think of the finger of the mother tongue. Perhaps the mother tongue clung to him with his own finger and made other languages radhi and the cultural society of the world took Rasudi.
ધોરણ 2 ની ટેસ્ટ આપવા નીચે આપેલ પ્રકરણ પર ક્લિક કરવું.
Child rearing malnutrition: The most important reason for malnutrition in our country is not getting enough food and the main reason for not getting enough food is poverty and ignorance. Another important cause of malnutrition is infections in the body.
Diarrhea caused by a viral or bacterial infection – vomiting, severe respiratory infections (pneumonia, TB, etc.); Measles infections, worm infections, etc. are responsible for malnutrition in children. In fact, there is a kind of vicious cycle between infection and malnutrition. Infection increases malnutrition and malnutrition infects!
The most important treatment is to identify and eliminate the factors responsible for malnutrition. In severe patients, a doctor’s advice is to gradually start a properly balanced diet and increase the amount of food after digestion begins to get better.
Many people want an appetite suppressant but no cure has been found yet. Only such and digestible food at the price of the patient helps in satisfying the appetite of the patient. In patients with starvation, low-fat foods should be given early.
It should be gradually increased. Ghee – The main advantage of giving oil is to deliver more energy in less quantity. Can be given by dipping oil in milk. The practice of adding ghee-oil to every dish can prevent malnutrition in children.
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