Coaching Sahay Yojana

Coaching Sahay Yojana 2023 for NEET, JEE, GUJCET, GPSC, UPSC, Police, Clerk, Talati, IIM, CEPT, NIFT, NLU and IELTS, TOFEL, GRE exams

Coaching Sahay Yojana 2023 for NEET, JEE, GUJCET, GPSC, UPSC, Police, Clerk, Talati, IIM, CEPT, NIFT, NLU and IELTS, TOFEL, GRE exams

Want to prepare for competitive exams like GPSC, UPSC, Police, Clerk, Talati? But if the financial condition is not good, then there is no need to worry. The government has released a support scheme to prepare for competitive exams. In which assistance is given to the students for coaching competitive exams.

Important Dates

Apply Online Start:- 01/01/2023

Apply Online Last Date:- 31/01/2023


Coaching Sahay Yojana 2023 for NEET, JEE, GUJCET, GPSC, UPSC, Police, Clerk, Talati, IIM, CEPT, NIFT, NLU and IELTS, TOFEL, GRE exams

Year: 2022-23 Under the Director, Development Caste Welfare, Gujarat State, Gandhinagar, the following three Konchig Sahay Yojanas are to be implemented through e-Samajkalyan Portal ( for the first time in the year 2022. Online applications are invited through e-Samajkalyan portal to provide Kanchig assistance benefit according to Neomono to socially and educationally backward class trainees and economically backward class students of developing castes.

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Coaching Sahay Yojana 2023 for NEET, JEE, GUJCET, GPSC, UPSC, Police, Clerk, Talati, IIM, CEPT, NIFT, NLU and IELTS, TOFEL, GRE exams
Coaching Sahay Yojana 2023

1.Special incentive assistance to the socially and educationally backward class trainees who are training for the preparation of the competitive examination (Class-1, 2, 3) (Amount of assistance maximum Rs.20,000/-)

સામાજિક અને શૈક્ષણિક રીતે પછાતવૅગના તાલીમાર્થી તથા આર્થિક રીતે પછાતવર્ગની વિદ્યાર્થીનીઓને NEET, JEE, GUJCET જેવી પરીક્ષાની પૂર્વ તૈયારી માટેકોચિંગ સહાય યોજના (સહાયની રકમ વધુમાં વધુ રૂ.૨૦,૦૦૦/-)

2. Coursing assistance scheme for the pre-preparation of exams like NEET, JEE, GUJCET to socially and educationally backward trainees and economically backward students (Amount of assistance maximum Rs.20,000/-)

સામાજિક અને શૈક્ષણિક રીતે પછાતવૅગના તાલીમાર્થી તથા આર્થિક રીતે પછાતવર્ગની વિદ્યાર્થીનીઓને NEET, JEE, GUJCET જેવી પરીક્ષાની પૂર્વ તૈયારી માટેકોચિંગ સહાય યોજના (સહાયની રકમ વધુમાં વધુ રૂ.૨૦,૦૦૦/-)

3. Coaching support scheme for preparation of ALL INDIA level competitive exams like IIM, CEPT, NIFT, NLU and IELTS, TOFEL, GRE exams to go abroad (Amount of assistance maximum Rs.20,000/-)

IIM, CEPT, NIFT, NLŪ જેવી ALL INDIA લેવલની સ્પર્ધાત્મક પરીક્ષા તેમજ વિદેશ જવા માટે આપવી પડતી IELTS, TOFEL, GRE ની પરીક્ષાની પૂર્વતૈયારી માટે કોંચિંગ સહાય યોજના (સહાયની રકમ વધુમાં વધુ રૂ.૨૦,૦૦૦/-)

For the academic year 2022-23, the students who wish to get assistance under the said schemes should apply to the trainees on the portal From 01/01/2023 31/01/2023 is advised to apply online for supplementary certificates. After applying on the portal, a copy of all the documents uploaded online should be enclosed and deposited in the office of the Deputy Director (V.Ja) of the concerned district (V.Ja).

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In the process of approving the applications on the portal within the stipulated time frame, priority will be given as per rules and assistance will be disbursed keeping in mind the budget provision and target. Take special note of that. Complete information regarding training and institution norms for appointing trainees is available at

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Coaching help for JEE, GUJCET, NEET exam

જી(JEE), ગુજકેટ(GUJCET), નીટ(NEET) પરીક્ષા માટે કોચીંગ સહાય વાંચો ગુજરાતીમાં

Form of Scheme/Standards of Assistance

3 years or more for coaching of non-reserved class 12 science stream students for preparation of required entrance examinations in medical, engineering like JEE, GUJCAT, NEET after class 12, students with 70% in class 10 Rs. 20,000/- or actual fee whichever is lower will be eligible as Direct Assistance (DBT).

Eligibility Criteria

Socially and educationally backward class trainees (both male and female students) and economically backward class students who are natives of Gujarat will be eligible to benefit from this scheme.
Trainee should have secured 70% or more marks in class-10th.
The trainee should be a student of science stream.

The annual income limit of the trainee’s family should be Rs.6.00 lakh or less.
The trainee has to obtain the training attendance certificate from the institute and submit it.
The trainee will be able to get the benefit of this scheme only once in class-12.

The trainee will not be able to work at any other place during the training. If so proved, the entire amount shall be recovered by the Director, Developmental Caste Welfare.
A Chartered Accountant’s certificate of three years experience of the organization should be obtained from the organization and submitted.

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Aadhaar Card of the applicant
Example of caste/sub-caste of the applicant
Proof of Residence (Any one of Electricity Bill/License/Lease Agreement/Electoral Card/Ration Card)
SSC Mark sheet of
Certificate (Bonafide) of studying in that school in Class-12
Copy of first page of Bank Passbook / Canceled Check (in applicant’s name)
Regular certificate letter from the institution in which one wants to study
Example of income

સામાજિક અને શૈક્ષણિક રીતે પછાત વર્ગના તાલીમાર્થી/વિદ્યાર્થી અને વિદ્યાર્થિની બંને) તથા આર્થિક રીતે પછાત વર્ગની વિદ્યાર્થિનીને NEET, JEE, GUJCETની પરીક્ષાની પૂર્વતૈયારી માટે કોચિંગ સહાય આપવા બાબત ઠરાવ

Important Links

Coaching Sahay Yojana 2023 for NEET, JEE, GUJCET, GPSC, UPSC, Police, Clerk, Talati, IIM, CEPT, NIFT, NLU and IELTS, TOFEL, GRE exams

ઓફિસિયલ જાહેરાત:અહીં ક્લિક કરો
ઓનલાઈન અરજી કરવા માટે:અહીં ક્લિક કરો
અરજી નું સ્ટેટસ ચેક કરવા માટે:અહીં ક્લિક કરો
Official Website:અહીં ક્લિક કરો

Helpline Desk

Helpline Number :- CLICK HERE

Note: After the student has applied online through the concerned Deputy Director, Social and Educationally Backward Classes Caste Welfare Office, the student who will be approved online will be paid after completion of training.

The training assistance will be paid as per the rules (taking into consideration the provision and target) only to the meritorious beneficiaries after the merit of the applications submitted on the said portal within the stipulated time frame from the state level as per the rules.

  Important :- Please Confirm all the Information on Official Website / Notification / Advertisement.
We have Provided Official Website / Notification / Advertisement’s Details Above.

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અમારી Telegram ચેનલમાં જોડાવા: અહી ક્લિક કરો.

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