The Department of Education has to take action under the Right to Information Act-2005 which is to be done by the public authority.  Public Authority is defined by Section 2 (z) of the said Act.  And accordingly, the power body constituted in the manner described therein is considered a public power body.  


On this occasion, the education department is considered a public authority.  The Public Information Officer has to be appointed as per Section-5 of the said Act.  And a public information officer has been appointed by the Department of Education to conduct that research.  The information (PAD) mentioned in Section 4 (1) (b) of this Act has to be published.  
With the formation of the state of Gujarat on 1st May 190, a joint department named Education and Labor Department came into force.  The education department at that time included the social welfare, sanctioned drug and excise, and employment departments.  


For administrative reasons, the previous subjects were gradually taken over from the Education and Approved Department, and from August 1976, a separate department of the Secretariat came into existence as the Education Department.  Which handles operations related to education including primary education, secondary and higher secondary education, continuing and literacy education, higher education, technical education.


The work of the education department is done on the subjects decided under the working rules of the Gujarat government.  And as decided under it, the ministerial level is exercised in accordance with the powers which have been enshrined in it, in matters relating to the administration and in matters of discipline, waiting for representation by the State Government.  
And in view of which approval is obtained on the relevant papers by that officer accordingly.  And that is how it is implemented.  Orders in this regard are made by the General Administration Department, and the authority conferred on the officer to whom the authority is vested in the powers vested in the department as per the orders of the Department of Finance as per the orders of the Finance Department.  Orders are made to get his approval.  


In addition to this, the unstarred questions asked in the Legislature for matters pertaining to the policy of the Legislature, the assurances arising out of its research, the functioning of the various committees constituted by the Legislature.  This includes the Public Accounts Committee, Panchayati Raj Samiti.  The expenditure incurred by the department for the schemes for which it is sanctioned has been included in the work budget published by the department so that those matters can be seen from that publication.
 – reference gseb


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