Fariyad Nivaran Register nibhavva babat

Fariyad Nivaran Register nibhavva babat

 In view of the above subject and reference, it is necessary to dispose of the complaint (itievalvee) received at the school / SMC level in a timely manner. 

Fariyad Nivaran Register nibhavva babat

Monitoringg arrangements need to be made by SMC, CRC Kau Khau, BRC Co.O. URC Co.O., Education Inspector District Assistant District Kau, O, Lecturers of Diet for this purpose. 

Complaint redressal system at school level  Grievance Register should be maintained at school / SMC level to record the monitoring of performance for registration of complaints and disposal of grievances, – Grievance Red Book), if it is not filled or received, the school should take a register of 200 pages from the school grant and ask to maintain the grievance redressal register.  

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The following is a sample of the grievance register at the school / SMC level for registering a complaint and monitoring the performance for the disposal of the grievance. 


Askingg to keep two parts in the register, 

Part-1 School // Details of disposal of complaint received at SMC level.

  Grievance redressal system at district level: Complaint register has to be maintained at district level as well as at school level. Toll free number will be promoted. In CRC / BRC Mounting App, information will be sought in the school visit as per Part-II.

Fariyad Nivaran Register nibhavva babat SSA paripatr Date:- 17/12/2020

Note: Plz always check and confirm the above details with the official website and Advertisement/ notification

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