I hope you are ensuring all the Guidelines and Advisories issued by several Central Ministries in your office and organization under your jurisdiction. Fit India Movement was launched by the Hon’ble Prime Minister on 29th August 2019 with a view to make physical fitness a way of life. It aims at behavioral changes – from a sedentary lifestyle to a physically active way of day-to-day living.
Fit India would be a success only if it becomes a people’s movement. We have to play the role of catalyst
Like previous year, the Department of Sports, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports (MYAS) has planned a series of activities and campaign under the aegis of the Fit India Movement to promote fitness across the country in December 2020
The 2nd edition of Fit India School Week will be celebrated in the month of December 2020. The plan of the campaign and proposed activities under Fit India School Week are enclosed in Annexure 1 and 2.
You are kindly requested to organize the Fit India School Week, Fit India Quiz and contribute in Fitness Assessment through Fit India App and Fit India Thematic Cahtpatgn = “castor BUT ECT tar” under the aegis of Fit India Movement on the stated time and the instructions issued in this regard by the Department time to time.
The Action was taken Report (ATR) of the above activities may be sent to this department through the link given below FIT INDIA APP FITNESS ASSESSMENT paripatr 26/11/2020.