Food Security Allowance NOV. TO FEB.

Food Security Allowance NOV. TO FEB.

Subject: – Food Security Allowance to the students of the primary schools of the state for the period of HOME LEARNING of 60 school days from 19/11/2020 to 01/03/2021 due to Coronavirus (KOVID – 19) under mid-day meal scheme.  Matter of giving.

Food Security Allowance NOV. TO FEB.

Thus, the date of the education department shown in the introduction (2).  By strictly following the details given in the resolution of 06/02/2011 and all the guiding instructions given in it, for a total of 60 new school days of HOME LEARNING period from 19/11/2020 to 01/03/2021 till the start of Diwali vacation.
Students enrolled in the school for the academic year 2020-21 are hereby informed to complete the required procedure of timely distribution of food security allowance and regular payment of cooking cost.
  Date of Education Department  As per the condition of Resolution No. 03/02/2021: – Mabhay / 2020 / GOI – 9/R, the amount of cooking cost of food security allowance fixed by the headteacher/teacher / SMC of the school has to be deposited in the bank account of the student/parents.  Also, keeping in view the local circumstances, keeping the social distance strictly as per the guidelines of the government, the Deputy Collector (Mabho Yo.) And the District Primary Education Officer will have to complete the distribution of foodgrains through the local school teachers and the honorary salary holders of the mid-day meal center.

Food Security Allowance NOV. TO FEB.

(1) All the registered students of the primary school where the mid-day meal scheme is being implemented will have to send the daily report on the daily distribution of food grains and the latest details of the amount paid for the cooking cost in the prescribed form to the email here.  As well as the number of foodgrains distributed daily and the amount deposited in the bank/account of the student/guardian will have to be given in the prescribed specimen form shown on Google Drive at the email address here.  
(2) Accounts at the school and taluka/district level shall be kept up to date for the purpose of audit. 
 (3) The distribution of foodgrains from the number of foodgrains allotted for the Government of India mid-day meal scheme for the mid-day meal scheme shall be completed within the time limit as prescribed by the district level for the distribution of foodgrains. 
(4 ) The school level must ensure that no student is deprived of food security allowance.  And Mamlatdar Shri Deputy Collector (M.B.Yo.) and District Primary Education Officer will have to monitor this.  And during distribution, the union will have to frequently inspect reasonable price shop and school visits.
read more in the letter.

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Food Security Allowance NOV. TO FEB.

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