Free NMMS Exam Preparation Quiz by GIET

Free NMMS Exam Preparation Quiz by GIET

SANDHAN Connection – New Video and Quiz Series for NMMS Exam Free Preparation by GIET
Free NMMS Exam Preparation Quiz by GIET,SANDHAN – New Video and Quiz Series for NMMS Exam Free Preparation by GIET, nmms mock test, nmms scholarship prectice online test, nmms mat online test Every year more than 1.5 lakh students of Gujarat take NMMS exam. Our teachers work hard every year to prepare these students. And due to the best efforts of all of you, the state of Gujarat fulfills its allotted quota 100%.

Free NMMS Exam Preparation Quiz by GIET

26/02/2022 થી 18/03/0222 NMMS પરીક્ષા વિડિયો BISAG કાર્યક્રમ માર્ચ 2022 પરીપત્ર  અને સમય પત્રક

For the preparation of NMMS exam this year, a completely new digital material has been prepared by GIET with the help of expert teacher friends from Gujarat. We have also created a group to disseminate the series and make each video accessible to children and useful to children. If your students join the group they will get the link of all these programs.


GIET is coming up with a very useful category for students preparing for NMMS / GPSC / NTSE and other competitive exams. This series is the best combination of excellent guidance from expert teacher friends of that subject in Gujarat and new way of presentation by Team GIET.

The entire Shiksha Abhiyan team is also involved in this effort. This series based quiz is also starting in the weekly self-assessment test held every Saturday. I wish the children to join in this and get bright results by practicing as much as possible. Team GIET. #GIET For the purpose of increasing publicity.


Join NMMS Whatsapp Group


સંધાન-MAT: માનસિક અભિયોગ્યતા કસોટી Module- 1 જોડાવા અહિ ક્લિક કરવું

સંધાન-MAT: માનસિક અભિયોગ્યતા કસોટી Module- 2 જોડાવા અહિ ક્લિક કરવું

સંધાન-MAT: માનસિક અભિયોગ્યતા કસોટી Module- 3 જોડાવા અહિ ક્લિક કરવું

સંધાન-MAT: માનસિક અભિયોગ્યતા કસોટી Module- 4 જોડાવા અહિ ક્લિક કરવું


TV is a general media medium. Today in India, under the immediate control and the board of the public authority and every one of the secretly run social occasions together a sum of around 1300 provincial, public and worldwide TV. Channels are working. Different directs broadcast their projects in various dialects ​​of India or English, some of them offer simply instructive projects, while certain channels offer projects in light of subjects that are in a roundabout way connected with training.


સંભાવના આધારિત ક્વિઝ 43:- CLICK HERE

07/04/2022 સંભાવના આધારિત ક્વિઝ 42:- CLICK HERE

06/04/2022 વય આધારિત ક્વિઝ:- CLICK HERE

04/04/2022 વય આધારિત ક્વિઝ 40 :- CLICK HERE

02/04/2022 સમસંબંધ ક્વિઝ :- CLICK HERE

30/03/2022 સમસંબંધ ક્વિઝ :- CLICK HERE

28/03/2022 સમસંબંધ ક્વિઝ :- CLICK HERE

વિશિષ્ટ પ્રશ્નો ક્વિઝ 36 ક્વિઝ :- CLICK HERE


અલગ પડતી આકૃત્તિ ક્વિઝ :- CLICK HERE

તારીખ:- 21/03/2022 અલગ આકૃતિ ભાગ-2 ક્વિઝ CLICK HERE

તારીખ:- 19/03/2022 અલગ આકૃતિ ભાગ-1 ક્વિઝ CLICK HERE

દર્પણ પ્રતિબિંબ ભાગ- 4  ક્વિઝ :- CLICK HERE

07/03/2022 દર્પણ પ્રતિબિંબ ભાગ-3  ક્વિઝ :- CLICK HERE

દર્પણ પ્રતિબિંબ ભાગ-2  ક્વિઝ :- CLICK HERE

04/03/2022 સંધાન ક્વિઝ :- CLICK HERE

02/03/2022 ગાણિતિક ક્રિયા આધારિત ક્વિઝ :- CLICK HERE

28/02/2022 લોહીના સંબંધ ક્વિઝ :- CLICK HERE

26/02/2022 લોહીના સંબંધ ક્વિઝ :- CLICK HERE

25/02/2022 લોહીના સંબંધ ક્વિઝ :- CLICK HERE

24/02/2022 દિશા અને અંતર ભાગ 3 :- CLICK HERE

23/02/2022 દિશા અને અંતર ભાગ 2 :- CLICK HERE

22/02/2022 દિશા અને અંતર ભાગ 1 :- CLICK HERE

21/02/2022 પેટર્ન(તરાહ) :- CLICK HERE

19/02/2021 પેટર્ન(તરાહ) :- CLICK HERE

સમસંબંધ ભાગ 2  :- CLICK HERE

કોડિંગ-ડીકોડિંગ ભાગ-1 ક્વિઝ  :- CLICK HERE

તાર્કિક ક્રમ ક્વિઝ:- CLICK HERE

ક્રમ નિર્ધારણ 1 ક્વિઝ:- CLICK HERE

કૅલેન્ડર ભાગ 4 ક્વિઝ:- CLICK HERE

કૅલેન્ડર ભાગ 3 ક્વિઝ:- CLICK HERE

કૅલેન્ડર ભાગ 2 ક્વિઝ:- CLICK HERE

કૅલેન્ડર ભાગ 1 ક્વિઝ:- CLICK HERE

દર્પણ આકૃત્તિ પ્રતિબિંંબ ક્વિઝ:- CLICK HERE

અંગ્રેજી મૂળાક્ષર ક્રમ (સાંકેતિકરણ)ભાગ 2 ક્વિઝ:- CLICK HERE

02/02/2022 અંગ્રેજી મુળાક્ષર ક્રમ ભાગ 1 ક્વિઝ :- CLICK HERE

01/02/2022 આકૃત્તિ વિષ્લેષણ 3 ત્રિકોણ ક્વિઝ :- CLICK HERE

31/01/2022 આકૃત્તિ વિષ્લેષણ 2 લંબચોરસ ક્વિઝ :- CLICK HERE

29/01/2022 આકૃત્તિ વિષ્લેષણ 1 ચોરસ ક્વિઝ :- CLICK HERE

28/01/2022 અંક શ્રેણી 2 ક્વિઝ :- CLICK HERE

27/01/2022 અંક શ્રેણી 1 ક્વિઝ :- CLICK HERE

Varieties are found in the channels. There are sure strict, profound channels. A few diverts are engaged with sports, diversion, news, and so forth A few directs are associated with research in various fields. Hence, in the field of TV, a wide range of watchers get 24 hours per day as per their area of ​​interest. A large portion of the projects introduced on the diverts engaged with the field of schooling can be straightforwardly or by implication related with the instructing and learning process. In India, TV programs are communicated by the public authority controlled and worked Doordarshan and by private associations.


GIET official Youtube channel.

Online instruction involves sound, text, video, activitys, visits with guides or tutors, and virtual preparation that is given by the educators to the understudies. These are the strategies for passing the abilities and information on to the understudies with the goal that they can become experts in their fields.

There are numerous web sources through which the instructors and understudies get associated. Some of them are online media stages, google meet, WhatsApp, zoom, and so forth By utilizing these sources the instructors can associate with countless understudies all at once. These sources make it more straightforward for the instructors to educate an immense no. of gatherings at a solitary timeframe. We should examine different elements of online schooling.

Note: Plz always check and confirm the all above details with the official website and Advertisement/ notification.

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