GPSSB FHW 2022 RECRUITMENT | GPSSB FHW Bharti 2022 | Gujarat Female Health Worker Recruitment 2022

The Gujarat Panchayat Seva Selection Board, GPSSB has released anemployment notification inviting candidates to apply for the posltions ofFemale Health Worker Posts. This is a great chance for interestedcandidates who are looking for GPSSB FHW Bharti 2022. for moredetails check below
It is a g0od opportunity for all the interested candidates who arelooking jobs in Gujarat Panchayat Seva Selection Board, GPSSB. Beforeapplying for the post, candidates should ensure that he/ she fulfills theeligibility criteria and other conditions mentioned in thisadvertisement.
The last day for registration is-, Candidates are advisedto carefully read the full advertisement for details of educatlonalqualification and other eligiblity criterla before submisslon ofapplication. more detalled information regarding educationalqualification, age limit, selection procedure, how to apply ,last date forGPSSB FHw Bharti 2022 are mentioned below.
Advertisement Detail
Name of Organization: GPSSB
Total No.of Posts: 3137
Name of the Posts: (FHW) Female Health Worker
Category: New Jobs
Job Location: Gujarat
Mode Of Application:Online
Starting Date for Submission Of Online Application: 26-04-2022
Last Date for Submission Of Online Application: 10-05-2022
Age Limit
Not be less than 18 years and not more than 41 years of age.
For Age Relaxation Please Read Official Advertisement.
For General Candidates: Rs.100/
Pay Scale
For more Please Read Official Advertisement.
Educational Qualification
A candidate Shall-have passed the Secondary School CertificateExamination;have passed-the Female Health Worker’s Basic Training Courserecognised by the Government, orthe Auxliary Nurse Midwife Course, recognised by the Government andhave been registered by the Nursing Council;possess the baslc knowledge of computer applicatlon equivalent to
Course on Computer Concepts (CCC) of Department of Electronic
For more Please Read Official Advertisement.

Written Competitive Examination Method and Selection Process This advertisement will be a written competitive examination of Optical Marks Reading (OMR) system with objective questions as shown in the next paragraph. OMR with these objective questions. The written competitive examination of the system will be organized by the board.

Candidates are advised to keep an eye on the website of Gujarat Panchayat Seva Selection Board for which the examination program will be published separately. All the instructions regarding written competitive examination as well as subsequent instructions can be sent by SMS to the registered mobile number of the candidate. Will be given from. Therefore, the candidate must indicate the mobile number in the relevant column in the application form. And until the entire recruitment process is complete, maintaining a mobile number is inevitable.
If the candidate is not notified via SMS due to change or closure of mobile number or any other reason, it will be the responsibility of the candidate, and in such case the candidate will be deemed to be seeking appointment. Candidates who will be included in the Provisional Merit List will be given certificate verification instructions and other instructions on their e-mails.
FHW paper solution LIVE:-
Important Link
Official Advertisement :- CLICK HERE
ડુપ્લીકેશનના કારણસર રીજેકટ કરેલ અરજીઓની યાદી
ડુપ્લીકેશનના કારણસર રીજેકટ કરેલ અરજીઓ અંગેની ઉમેદવારો માટેની સૂચના
List of Rejected Applications Due to NON Payment of Fee in Respect of General Category
સામાન્ય વર્ગના ઉમેદવારોની ફી નહી ભરવાના કારણસર રીજેકટ કરાયેલ અરજીઓ અંગેની સૂચના
Important :- Please Confirm all the Information on Official Website / Notification / Advertisement. We have Provided Official Website / Notification / Advertisement’s Details Above.