Gujarat MPHW Recruitment 2022 | GPSSB 1866 MPHW Bharti 2022
Gujarat MPHW Recruitment 2022. The Gujarat Panchayat Seva Selection Board, GPSSB has released an employment notification inviting candidates to apply for the positions of Multi Purpose Health Worker.This is a great chance for interested candidates who are looking for Gujarat MPHW Recruitment 2022. for more details check below.
Gujarat MPHW Recruitment 2022
It is a good opportunity for all the interested candidates who are looking jobs in Gujarat Panchayat Seva Selection Board, GPSSB. Before applying for the post, candidates should ensure that he/ she fulfills the eligibility criteria and other conditions mentioned in this advertisement. The last day for registration is 31-05-2022.
Candidates are advised to carefully read the full advertisement for details of educational qualification and other eligibility criteria before submission of application. more detailed information regarding educational qualification, age limit, selection procedure, how to apply ,last date for GPSSB MPHW Bharti 2022 are mentioned below.

GPSSB MPHW Bharti 2022
Name of Organization: GPSSB
ADVT. No. : – 17-2021/22
Total No.of Posts: – 1866
Name of the Posts:
Multi Purpose Health Worker
Important Date
Starting Date for Online Application : 16-05-2022
Last Date for Online Application : 31-05-2022
Category : New Jobs
Job Location: Gujarat
Mode Of Application :Online
Official Website:
Educational Qualification
A Candidate shall –
(i) have successfully completed minimum one year Multi Purpose Health Worker basic course certificate or Diploma course obtained from the education institution recognised as such by the Government; or
(ii) have minimum one year sanitary Inspectors Diploma Course obtained from education institution recognised as such by the Government; or
(iii) have minimum one year certification course of Health Sanitary Inspector from Industrial Training Institute or any other institute recognized as such by the Government; or
(iv) have passed the Diploma of sanitary Inspectors or Health Sanitary Inspector obtained from any of the Universities established or incorporated by or under the Central or a state Act in india; or any other education institutions recognised as such or declared to be deemed as a university under section 3 of University Grants Commission Act,1956.
A candidate shallRule-3(v) possess the basic knowledge of computer Application as prescribed in the Gujarat Civil Services Classification and Recruitment (General) Rules, 1967; and Rule-3(vi) possess adequate knowledge of Gujarati or Hindi or both.
for more info. Plz Read Official Notification
Age Limit
Plz Read Official Notification
Pay Scale
19950/- fix for first five years. for more detail Plz Read Official Notification.
Selection Process
Check in Notification
Exam fee
100/- for General Catogery. No fee for others more details read notification.

In this competitive examination, answer sheets of objective questions covering the above mentioned subjects will be given by OMR. (Optical Marks Reading) will be in the form of a system. 1 (one) mark will be given for each correct answer given by the candidate in OMR. Minus system has been introduced in Gurnakan system by Mandal.

Accordingly – for each wrong answer (-0.33) (minus zero point thirty three) marks will be deducted. (-0.33) (minus zero point thirty three) marks will be deducted for each blank left answer. (-0.33) (minus zero point thirty three) marks will be deducted for each answer which has more than one option shown or is checked. Answers to each question will have an option “E” (“Not Attempted”].
If the candidate does not wish to answer any question, he will be able to select this option and negative marking will not be applicable in case of selecting “Not Attempted” option. Out of the total marks obtained by, the marks obtained by subtracting (minus) as per (i), (ii), (i) given above will validate the marks obtained by the candidate.
MPHW paper solution LIVE
Note: full details of Educational qualification, Age limit, Pay scale, Grade pay ,selection process etc details candidates required to visit official notification which link given below at this vacancy notice.