Gujarat STEM Quiz 2-0
Gujarat STEM Quiz 2-0
The question will be based on current trends of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). Mostly the questions will of the level of secondary and higher secondary school standard.
The Gujarat STEM-Quiz is a unique activity that combines education, fun and competition. It has been designed keeping in mind to inculcate informal science learning. While it is competitive in nature, it also adds significant educational value to each student’s STEM education.

The quiz is more inclusive, as students from all across state can participate irrespective of location, board, medium of education or gender
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The vision of Gujarat STEM-Quiz is to provide an intensified impetus towards STEM enthusiasm in students. It will improve and promote participation, knowledge and awareness on STEM in students of the State.
The format of the questions will be such that it will encourage an understanding of STEM in the students. It aims to make the students more vigilant for the STEM based understanding to make them a better citizen enlightened with a vision of Clean, Green and Sustainable Development activities.
The Gujarat STEM Quiz is envisioned to be a yearly activity which will enroll and motivate students from class 9 to 12 to participate, learn and enjoy the fun and excitement. Gujarat STEM Quiz 2-0
Subject/ Syllabus
The question will be based on current trends of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). Mostly the questions will of the level of secondary and higher secondary school standard.

The Quiz will be carried out at Taluka level, District Level and State Level
First of its kind in the Country with a large participation.
Chance to win attractive Prizes and incentives.
Mentoring/ Visit to Premier Scientific Institutes like ISRO, DRDO and BARC
Quiz will be live on the Doordarshan and other mainstream channels.
Questions will be thought provoking in place of rote learning.
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Svamulyanakan Test 2.0 for STD 1 to 10
Our aim in writing this book was to describe in outline , and to set into context , all the important topics within the STEM discipline . Since this covers a very wide area , we have not covered any topic in elaborate detail .
We have , rather , pointed out the topics and questions . The result , we hope , is a good introduction to the STEM discipline . It is intended primarily for students of STEM , but should be accessible to practitioners .
We have gone into particular detail for those topics not well covered elsewhere . For topics such as science , technology , engineering and mathematics . We have not given details of systems , metadata formats and the like , as these change often and can easily be found on the web .
While we have tried to give up – to – date information , we are well aware that books can get out of date rapidly if they attempt to give too much detail , and so we have focused on basic principles which should not go from other texts in the STEM .
out of fashion too quickly . Our book has a slightly different emphasis We have emphasized concepts and theories , as we believe that a good understanding of these is of more use in the long term than specifics of current systems , services and techniques . We have also emphasized the historical dimension , as we believe it is essential to understand things are as they are .
where the discipline and its constituents came from , and why some This book aims to engage students in thinking about and using problem solving : integrate two or more of the STEM fields , present relevant and STEM fields .
interconnected topics , make connections to the real world ; and help students connect both content and practices or habits of mind used by understanding of the whole area . Our hope is that the text of this book will be sufficient to give a basic

Questions Bank
Entry and Eligibility
Students from IX to XII Standard from any boards or medium can participate in the Quiz.
There will be no registration fees.
Students will be encouraged to apply on the GUJCOST/ DST, Government of Guajrat website linked to an online portal with the following fields:
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