GYANPUNJ QUIZ 29 , DATE : – 19 / 08 / 2020 

                Gyanpunj is for information , general knowledge , General knowledge can be compared to the best training of a field or a limited part of the medium of information, but the definition of general knowledge cannot be attached if there is a very specific education of a field or subject.  Knowledge is an important component of neat secrecy and is widely associated with general knowledge and to some extent with experience and confidence.  The study concluded that most people are at the forefront of their interests, relying on general knowledge of the field.

Also Read  GYANPUNJ ONLINE QUIZ- Shikshak Sajjata Quiz 1 to 5

GYANPUNJ QUIZ 29 , DATE : – 19 / 08 / 2020 

         Unit Test of  standard 5 to 8 will be placed as per the preparation of ekam kasoti.  So reach out to more and more children. Every child can take advantage of it.

        instructive Knowledge makes a one of a kind commitment by bringing neo-Marxist speculations, world frameworks, and post-present day social and political hypotheses into a discussion about the progressions that are happening in the instructive field. This book will show not just pros the field of training contemplating instructive change, yet additionally financial analysts, political researchers, sociologists, and near students of history who inspect the working of training inside the bigger setting of modernization.


DATE : – 18 / 08 / 2020   GYANPUNJ QUIZ 28

DATE : – 17 / 08 / 2020   GYANPUNJ QUIZ 27

DATE : – 16 / 08 / 2020   GYANPUNJ QUIZ 26

DATE : – 14 / 08 / 2020   GYANPUNJ QUIZ 25

DATE : – 13 / 08 / 2020   GYANPUNJ QUIZ 24

Knowledge is more important for all. Teachers and students also take part in quiz and test their knowledge and get more knowledge.

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