Isbagool is beneficial for stomach ailments

Isbagool is beneficial for stomach ailments

Rich in medicinal properties, Isabgol (Isabgol) has been used in Ayurveda for years. Isabgul is considered to be extremely beneficial for health. People who have digestive problems should avoid consumption of isbagul. It not only cures the problem of constipation but cures many ailments. Ayurvedic specialist Dr. Panchakarma Hospital, Delhi. RP Parashar tells how it relieves stomach problems like indigestion, diarrhea or constipation.

Isabgul contains a fiber, which is one of the most commonly used home remedies for constipation. It is also effective in weight loss, it is also very good for diabetic patients. Isabgul can be taken with warm milk or water before bedtime. Not only does it help in reducing constipation, high cholesterol, but it should be avoided in excess as it can cause stomach pain, diarrhea etc.

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Isbagool is beneficial for stomach ailments

Isbagool is beneficial for stomach ailments

Benefits of Isabagul

Isabgul has many benefits, so it is also recommended to be used as a medicine in many diseases.
Get rid of constipation

Isabgul is beneficial in relieving constipation. It also has the ability to absorb and retain water. It facilitates the process of cleansing the stomach. It can be consumed with water, curd or milk.

Beneficial in high cholesterol
Isabagul contains a substance called hypochloremic, which helps in controlling cholesterol. According to a study conducted by NCBI on its benefits, daily consumption of isabgol for six weeks can help reduce cholesterol levels.

Isbagool is beneficial for stomach ailments

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Reduce obesity
Isabgol acts as a natural remedy for weight loss, reduces food intake due to fullness and makes weight easier to manage.

Diarrhea is relieved
Esabgul is beneficial in controlling diarrhea. It also has anti-diarrheal properties. It controls diarrhea by reducing the amount of water in the digestive system.

Use it like this

  • Consume 10-20 grams of isabgul with 230-235 ml of water daily to lower cholesterol. Its husk can also be taken with water, milk or curd.
  • Drink Isbagool with hot water and lemon for weight loss.
  • Consume it with curd if you have diarrhea.
  • Take 1-2 teaspoons of isabgul. Mix 1 glass of lukewarm water. Take at night before bedtime. This is effective for better digestion.
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ઇસબગૂલ પેટની અનેક બીમારીમાં ફાયદાકારક, કબજિયાતમાં રાહત તો કોલેસ્ટેરોલને કંટ્રોલ કરે વાંચો ગુજરાતીમાં

This damage is caused by isabgul

If more than one quantity of isabgol is consumed, it can harm the body. If consumed in excess, it causes inflammation in the stomach, which can cause symptoms like gas formation, abdominal pain, severe diarrhea, vomiting, and nausea. Some health problems may arise while consuming Isabgol if there are already any health problems or taking any medicine. Considering these conditions it is recommended to consult a doctor before consuming Isabgol.

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