Medicinal Nursery project in Gujarat Primary School

Medicinal Nursery project in Gujarat Primary School

According to the above subject and context, various efforts are being made for the quality of education in the state by the Command and Control Center for Schools functioning at Sector-19 under the office here. 
As a part of which, various projects of environmental laboratory have been implemented in the first phase by selecting 6123 schools in the state. This year, among the 100 government schools in the state which have the necessary space for nursery and other necessary facilities, the ‘Medicinal Nursery’ project is scheduled to be implemented in collaboration with the Gujarat Medicinal Plants Board – Gandhinagar under the conditions mentioned in their reference letter-1. 
 100 schools in the state with necessary facilities for ‘Medicinal Nursery’ have been selected by the team members working at the Command and Control Center for Schools to provide the necessary collaboration and guidance from time to time in the schools selected in the first phase for the Environmental Laboratory. 
Whose list is attached to this. The schools as per the attached list of your district / corporation selected for implementation of the “Medicinal Nursery” project will have to be allotted a direct grant from the district level to the bank account of the school concerned SMC. Subject to the following matters given from letter-1, the work related to ‘Medicinal Nursery’ shall be done.
Only medicinal seedlings should be grown in the nursery. Which must be selected from the list involved. 
The size of the bag for seedlings will be 1020200. 
Land, water and fencing as well as polythene bags, soil, seeds and fertilizer should be arranged by the concerned school. 
For Medicinal Nursery, Rs. 10,000 / – in advance will be allotted to each school at the rate of Rs. 3.00 per sapling and the remaining amount will be allotted at the rate of Rs. 1.00 / – at the rate of Rs. 
Medicinal seedlings should be given free of cost to the applicants for cultivation on their land. 
Nursery Register of Raising and Distribution Register shall be maintained by the school. 8) After the completion of the first phase, the progress report along with photographs should be sent to the district level. 
Regarding the utilization of the grant allotted for the medicinal nursery, the school will have to keep an account as per the rules.

Note: Plz always check and confirm the above details with the official website and Advertisement/ notification.

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Medicinal Nursery project in Gujarat Primary School

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