MUKHY SEVIKA GRAM SEVAK BHARTI 2022 GPSSB Panchayat Service Class – 3- Announcement regarding direct recruitment. Gujarat Panchayat Seva Selection Board, Gandhinagar invites online application forms from 30/03/2022 to 15/04/2022 to select candidates for direct recruitment to the following posts of Panchayat Seva Class-3.
GPSSB ADVERTISE NO. 14/2021-22 AND 15/2021-22 CLASS 3
Important Dates
ONLINE FORM START DATE: 30/03/2022 ( 15:00 )
ONLINE FORM END DATE: 15/04/2022 (23:59)
Total Post
Mukhy Sevika 225
Gram sevak 1571
Only for General 100 Rs ( FOR ST, SC, OBC, EWS, PD, EX SERVICEMAN NO FEE)
Details of vacancies
See Official Advertisement its given below
19950/- fix for first 5 years
Manav Kalyan Yojana e kutir Apply Online Gujarat


OMR based Exam it’s has Minus method per not correct answer -0.33 marks.
EDUCATION Qualification
See Official Advertisement its given below
RTE STD 1 Admission Gujarat 2022
General Instructions
MUKHY SEVIKA GRAM SEVAK BHARTI 2022. Candidates do not have to attach (upload) any certificates while applying online. However, when applying online, the applicant has to fill in all the details in the online application as per the details in the certificates.
Hence all their certificates such as educational qualification, age, school leaving certificate, gender, physical disability (if any), ex-serviceman (if applicable), recognized sports (if applicable), widow ( If any) The details have to be filled in the online application along with the original certificates of the same and other qualifications.
After applying online, “Application Number” will be generated, then it is mandatory to confirm the application by clicking on Confirm Application. After confirmation, the application will be accepted online. Candidates will be allowed to appear for the competitive examination by making provisional admission (Provisional Admission) for the prescribed competitive written examination for this post by the Board, which will be subject to verification of the certificates of the candidates included in the Provisional Merit List after the provisional result is declared.
Written Competitive Examination Method and Selection Process This advertisement will be a written competitive examination of Optical Marks Reading (OMR) system with objective questions as shown in the next paragraph. OMR with these objective questions. The written competitive examination of the system will be organized by the board. Candidates are advised to keep an eye on the website of Gujarat Panchayat Seva Selection Board for which the examination program will be published separately.
All the instructions regarding written competitive examination as well as subsequent instructions can be sent by SMS to the registered mobile number of the candidate. Will be given. Therefore, it is imperative that the candidate must indicate the mobile number in the relevant column in the application form and retain the mobile number till the entire recruitment process is completed.
If the candidate is not notified via SMS due to change or closure of mobile number or any other reason, it will be the responsibility of the candidate, and in such case the candidate will be deemed not to want to be appointed himself.
Following the Competitive Examination, the Provisional Result will be handled by the Board according to which the candidates who will be included in the Provisional Merit List will be given certificate verification instructions and other instructions on their emails.
Latest Gov. Job Mukhy SEVIKA GRAM SEVAK BHARTI 2022 GPSSB Keep visiting our site for upadates and new job.
Mukhya Sevika Detailed Advertisement:- CLICK HERE
Gram Sevak Detailed Advertisement :- CLICK HERE
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Gram Sevak Provisional Merit List
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