Mukhymantri Gyansetu Scholarship Yojana 2023

Mukhymantri Gyansetu Scholarship Yojana 2023

Table of Contents

Common Entrance Test CET 2023. Gyan Shakti Admission 2023 Free Education Scheme 2023 from Class 6 to 12 in Private Schools.

Gyanshakti Residential Schools

Rakshashakti Schools

Gyanaetu Day Schools

Information about Gnanshakti Residential Schools, Gnanshakti Tribal Residential Schools, Gnanasetu Day Schools, Rakshashakti Schools and Model Schools

Mukhymantri Gyansetu Scholarship Yojana 2023

Mukhymantri Gyansetu Scholarship Yojana 2023


Which students will benefit from the Chief Minister Gnana Sethu Merit Scholarship Scheme?

A total of 30,000 students who have studied continuously from class 1 to 5 in a government or aided primary school in the state and have completed class 5 and have merit in the Common Ent’s Test conducted by the State Examination Board will be eligible to benefit from this scheme. In which students from scheduled castes and scheduled tribes will be included as per government norms and 60% beneficiary girls will be included in each category.

Also Read  CET based schemes registration 2024

In which schools can students get admission in CM Gnanasetu Merit Scholarship Scheme?

In self-supporting schools or aided secondary and higher secondary schools selected as per norms prescribed by the Director, Schools, Gandhinagar.

A student who has completed continuous studies up to Class 5 in the aided school and has been found eligible for CM Gnanasetu Scholarship in the Common S Test and wants to get admission in Class 6 in his old aided school, he can get admission and complete the course from Class 6 to 8,

A student who has completed continuous studies up to class 5 in a government school and is eligible for the Chief Minister Jnana Sethu Merit Scholarship in Common Ents Tema and wants to get admission in class 6 in his old government school or another government primary school, he gets admission in class 6 to 8. can complete the course of

Can study class 9 to 12 in any government secondary and higher secondary school.

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After the completion of the academic year, if a student wants to change the school, he/she can get admission in the selected schools announced by the Director, Schools, Gandhinagar. That is, after completing 6th grade, one can change the school in 7th grade.


Mukhymantri Gyansetu Scholarship Yojana 2023

Mukhymantri Gyansetu Scholarship Yojana 2023

PROCEDURE FOR ADMISSION OF STUDENTS After the verification of the documents of the students, the provisional merit list of the students who are eligible for this scholarship will be published on the portal by the Director, Schools, Gandhinagar.

While preparing the state level list students from Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes will be included as per government norms and 50% in each category.

The beneficiaries will be girls. Students eligible for the scholarship will be able to get admission in Class 6 in any school as per the provisions of the resolution within the stipulated time frame.

The schools have to provide the students who are thus eligible for the scholarship, when they are admitted to the 6th standard, the certificate of admission to their schools with the general register number, signature of the school principal and coin to the students and this certificate should be uploaded by the parent within the prescribed time limit as per the instructions on the portal. will be It is the sole responsibility of the students and their parents to get admission in the school of their choice.

Also Read  Mukhyamantri GyanSadhana Scholarship Yojana

Important Dates

Online Registration Start :- 05/10/2023 ( 11:00 AM)

Online Registration End :- 11/10/2023 (12:00 PM)

Important Links

Students Registration Login

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52317_Final_Merit_List pdf

merit list excel file

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Mukhymantri Gyansetu Scholarship Yojana 2023

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