MUKHYMANTRI MAHILA UTKARSH YOJANA MMUY GUJARAT. Implementation of this scheme in rural areas by Gujarat Livelihood Promotion Company Ltd. (GLPC) and in urban areas by Gujarat Urban Development Mission (GULM). The main objective of this scheme is to create 1 lakh Joint Liability Earnings and Savings Group (JLESG) and make 10 lakh women self reliant by encouraging joint economic activity through these groups.
The purpose of the scheme
Involve women in the Joint Liability Earnings and Savings Group (JLESG).

Through Government Banks, Private Banks, Co-operative Banks and Lending Institutions, Rs. 1 lakh lending.
Provide self employment and livelihood through lending.
Key Features
(1) If each group pays regular installments under this scheme, Rs. Provision has been made to pay interest above Rs. 1 lakh from the Government.
(2) The scheme will cover 50000 JLESG in rural area and 50000 in urban area. In which the amount of interest is to be paid by the government to the lending institutions on behalf of the women’s group.
(3) For successful implementation of this scheme Nationalized Banks, Grameen Banks, Cooperative Banks, Private Banks, Cooperative Societies and RBI Other lending institutions-MFIs will also be promoted by the Government. (* Changes may be subject to change)
Target Beneficiary
10 women who want to get credit.
Women should be 18 to 6 years old
Priority to widowed abandoned sisters.
Existing group whose loan is not outstanding.
Target: 1 lakh groups, 1 million women and 5 million family members
Out of which rural area 50000 group and urban area 50000 group.
How to download birth and death certificate online

Aadhar card
voter ID card
ration card
residence certificate
income certificate
mobile number
Woman is a special part of society. Society is incomplete without woman and both man and woman complement each other. Coincidentally, a family is formed. Woman is the basis of the development of the whole community. When she breastfeeds her newborn baby, she becomes an idol of Vatsalya, and when she wanders in her tender sensations, she spreads beauty and divine light in creation.
But when a woman forgets her natural and sacred values, she becomes weak and afflicted. If we look at the status and direction of women in the journey from ancient times to the present, many steps have become necessary for the protection and empowerment of women even in the present century.
Day by day the female consciousness and the spirit of female respect is beginning to wane from the society. The male class has been neglected for centuries, but in the social environment, the mother-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law or Nand, all these characters, even in some societies, women are still victims of mental or physical atrocities. Actually it is about women empowerment but there are many obstacles along the way.
Thus, whether it is sati or devadasi or child marriage or widow’s opposition to remarriage, whether it is customary to breastfeed a daughter or discriminate in raising a son, it is a veil, strict caste rules. His strength and skill proved to the world that society has always had a lower status than men, but in some areas it has automatically elevated itself to the forefront by keeping men behind.
Some have gone out of their way to introduce themselves to the world, while others have become more and more equal to men. The customs and norms and traditions of the society create obstacles in the way of women’s empowerment. At a time when the demand for women’s empowerment is being raised from all quarters, the society also needs to support the cause of women’s dignity and support for women’s development efforts.
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