Nidan kasoti Kai rite levi

Nidan kasoti Kai rite levi

Std 3 to 8 ni nidan kasoti kevi rite levi te babat AMC no pariptr. Tatha mark scaning mateni doted file. Tamam shala mate upayogi.
Students coming to the school in Std. 6 to 8 will have to take the examination of that subject as per the fixed schedule of the students coming to the school in Std. 6 to 8 with the implementation of the standard code of conduct of Kovid-19 in that classroom.
 All the students coming to the school from Std. 6 to 8 should get the question papers with Xerox copy in person. In order to maintain the confidentiality of the examination, the school has to take care that no student gets the question paper before the date and time. Under no circumstances should the question paper be written on the board. 
 Students who do not come to school in Std. 6 to 8: All the students whose parents have not given written permission to come to the school or do not come to the school, after the completion of the exit examination of the school. 
 Question paper and answer books will have to be delivered by the class teacher. Students from Std. 8 to Pana Students from Std. 8 to Pana are not to be called to school. The answers in Std. 8 and 9 are to be written in the test paper only and the question papers of the P.P. – the answer book which – are to be delivered to the student’s house by the class teacher before the examination. 
 The question papers and answer books from Std. 3 to 5 should be delivered to the homes of the students by the class teacher by 23-3-2021 and the parents should be instructed to return the answer books on 6-08-2071. Under no circumstances should Std. 6 to 8 students be called to school. Std. In 6th to 8th, the answer book of the standard subject will have to be checked by the subject teacher of the school. 
In all mediums, along with the answer book in the examination of social science, the political map of India in Std. 8 as well as the graph paper along with the answer book in the examination of mathematics subject in Std. . By placing the sheet as per enclosure-1 on the answer book of the subject of the student, writing the question marks obtained by the student, scanning and uploading it, the data entry will be done automatically, so the sheet under enclosure-1 has to be placed on the first page of the answer book. . 
 Online data entry of result will have to be done. The program for that and its detailed instruction will be given separately through the entire Shiksha Abhiyan. Data entry must be completed within the time limit. A soft copy of the question papers is also provided in the enclosure. 
Diagnostic tests are designed based on study findings, similar to periodic assessment tests. In order to differentiate study findings for treatment, the first semester course is included in the first semester diagnostic criteria.

Note: Plz always check and confirm the above details with the official website and Advertisement/ notification


DATE:- 13/03/2021

TIME:- 09:00 TO 09:20




Nidan kasoti Kai rite levi

AMC GUIDE LATTER Download Letter Here

Made by :- Madhav Prajapati


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