ટેસ્ટ આપવા માટેની લિંક નીચે આપેલ છે
Hemantbhai Gajubhai Dubla
Assistant Teacher
Prathmik Shala Dahad
Ta-Umbergaon Di-valsad

Reach Us: in the event that the understudy’s situation isn’t settled during the entire interaction, the understudy can send his/her difficulty, issue or question to the college or board by tapping on Contact gateway with the assistance of web and send an answer. Given to the understudy by email.
In this way the investigation done by electronic learning can be called online learning. Web based learning has an offbeat mode and online learning. In which the educator isn’t the facilitator of the instructing learning measure, his job is in the background to move the topic into a unit that can be concentrated in interactive media structure. An instructor working in nonconcurrent learning is a technologist who directions educating and innovation.
Showing material is on CD, so it can’t be reached by clicking Contact Us, however a rundown of much of the time posed inquiries if e can take care of its own issues. 4) Computer Assisted Learning (CAL – Computer Assisted Learning) In instructive innovation, the investigation of an understudy through PC is called PC helped learning.
The investigation that happens when understudies utilize the PC for study is person. The investigation done by the PC is the longing of the understudy to procure information. An investigation by a PC includes both of the abovementioned, so its re-conversation is insignificant, yet in the event that we attempt to comprehend PC helped learning from a more extensive perspective, it can incorporate numerous things other than the examination.
The CAL incorporates the utilization of suburbanites for a significant number of the procedures utilized for self-study, like ventures, courses, meetings, workshops, and so forth.
In the field of technology, from time to time someone adds a new technology, due to which its usefulness in all the fields related to our life continues to grow. Its usefulness and necessity in the field of education was accepted decades ago.
With the advent of any new technology in the field of technology at the present time, experiments are being carried out on the work for which it can be effectively used in the field of education. As a result it is being used successfully for many purposes in education today. As a result, the field of technology in education is evolving.
There was a time when, in many countries like India, innovation in education was less welcomed, now the situation has changed. Due to the declining cost and availability of tools for the Internet and information technology, information technology is used in many of the following areas associated with the education system.
Computer Assisted Instruction is a process of teaching-learning in which the student interacts with the computer. He does not come into direct contact with the teacher. From this point of view CAI can also be used as CAL (Computer Assisted Learning).
The student studies and moves on as per the instructions given in the software introduced in the computer. Teacher’s presence is not mandatory. Even if the teacher is present. It only provides guidance on commuter operation.This is a teaching technique that has bipolar interaction i.e. the student studies his / her subject from the commuter and gives his / her feedback.Cutter provides stimulus.
The student responds.Comuter evaluation of the student’s response. The student states whether the response is true or false. If the response is incorrect, it provides a stimulus again. If the response is correct, it provides a new stimulus.
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