NMMS EXAM Pramanpatr

NMMS EXAM Pramanpatr

Out of 77368 students who qualified in the examination due to limited quota, 5090 students get place in merit. Passing this exam is also considered an achievement for students studying in government schools. Encouragement for further study can be increased if such brilliant children are given some financial support as an incentive.
 At the district, taluka and cluster level, with the help of donors or by making provision in the budget of the district panchayat, the qualified students can be promoted by giving educational kits, etc., apart from financial assistance.

NMMS EXAM Pramanpatr

 Consideration is given to all students who qualify from the state level. All the students who have appeared for the NMMS examination can get the mark sheet as well as the mark sheet for the students included in the merit as well as the certificate. Putting Atal Bihari Bajpayee Scholarship Scheme in Bhavnagar budget from own funds.
 As per merit list after 218 students in the state merit of Bhavnagar district, 217 students will get Rs. Special efforts are requested from your level to promote the students who have qualified in the examination in different ways at the district level in your district as well as the district wise list of students who have qualified in the examination is included.

Note: Plz always check and confirm the above details with the official website and Advertisement/ notification.


NMMS EXAM Pramanpatr

A policy under this scheme will be available in two plans, one of 15 years and the other of 20 years term. The minimum age at entry for both the plans shall be 19 years on the next birthday whereas the upper age limit shall be 45 years and 40 years for 15 years and 20 years term respectively. 

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The sum assured under both the plans shall be paid in four installments as given below Table IV & Table X. In case of death of insured at any time during the term of the policy, the full sum assured will be paid along with the accrued bonus without making any adjustment of the periodical survival benefit payments already made. 

Neither any surrender value nor any loan shall be granted for the policy issued under this scheme. No conversion from/to this policy is permissible. In the event of cessation of premium before maturity age, the reduced paid-up assurance will be granted, provided premiums have been paid for not less than three years, only at the date of maturity, that is at the end of stipulated plan term or on the death of the life assured, and no further periodical payments on account of survival benefit will be paid.

Rural Postal Life Insurance scheme-1995” called ‘Rural scheme’20,21 is envisaged to provide insurance cover to the rural public in general and benefit weaker sections and women workers of rural areas in particular. Post Office Life Insurance Rules-2011 as amended from time to time shall be applicable to the “Rural Scheme” mutatis-mutandis except where special provisions have been made and notified under this scheme. 

The scheme shall cover all persons, male or female, who permanently reside in rural areas and ordinarily residents in India to the exclusion of Foreigners and Non-Resident Indians. Persons fulfilling such eligibility conditions should be between 19 years and 5522 years of age on next birth day, except for Convertible Whole Life Assurance Ten Year Rural PLI and Anticipated Endowment Assurance plan for which upper age limit is prescribed separately. 

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A policy holder who subsequently shifts his/her residence outside India shall make arrangements to make payments of due premia within India in the specified Post Office in Indian currency. The claims in respect of policies of such persons shall be settled in Indian currency in accordance with Post Office Life Insurance Rules 2011. The existing plans of PLI viz. 

Whole Life Insurance, Convertible Whole Life Insurance, Endowment Assurance and Anticipated Endowment Assurance are available under “Rural Scheme”.


NMMS EXAM Pramanpatr


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