Integrated learning we
have a very
flexible approach. It’s
dynamic, you can
think, even if
you have planned
something else and in the classroom, you realize that
children have a different mood, weather is also different and you feel like designing
any activity. You can do it
because this can
accommodate hundreds of
activities so you
don’t have to
bother about one
activity or planning
a particular kind of activity only even though art form.
You can go
for visual arts or you
can go for
performing arts. It is very
very dynamic in
nature and you can think of as
many activities as you feel like. Let me tell you one special
feature of art
integrated learning that
this is hands-on
experiential approach, you
cannot cover it theoretically.
So when
we talk about
art integrated learning,
as rightly goes
in your mind,
that you will
be doing one
of the other art forms, art
activity, where you and
your student will
go through different
type of experiences and those experiences will then
be connected to the subjects. We will also have
different kinds of
worksheets, workbooks and
activities that will make learners think, imagine, explore,
observe, reflect, and freely express whatever they feel like expressing.