Online courses in school safety and security

Online courses in school safety and security

Online courses in school safety and security. Information about the course The National Education Policy, 2020 sets the goal of every educational institution. Every educator must ensure that schools provide a safe and nurturing learning environment for students. Every child feels welcome and cared for. Provide a range of comprehensive learning experiences and good physical infrastructure with appropriate resources available to all students.

School safety and security means creating a safe environment for children starting from their home to school and from school to home, including earthquakes, floods, hurricanes or covid-19-like and others that are frequent and small-scale or fire, road accidents that To develop preparedness against hazards that can adversely affect the lives of school going children.

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Online courses in school safety and security

According to the Ministry of Education, academic and non-academic school staff like principals, teachers, students, etc., spend about one-third of the day and 220 days a year in schools in India, meaning that if classes are held for 6 hours a day, a child 22 percent of their waking hours in a year are spent in school.

A child in a local residential school spends 60 percent of his life in school during the school years. Thus, schools form a significant part of a child’s life, and it is therefore our responsibility to make all children’s stay at school comfortable, enjoyable, safe and secure. Responsibilities should be understood Right to education is a fundamental right enshrined in the Constitution of India.

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In terms of this right it is very important to ensure that schools are safe so that all children in the country can exercise their right to education and enjoy education.In achieving these goals, GIDM Sato Shiksha Gujarat State GCERT, and UNICEF Gujarat Field A self-study course has been developed by the office providing detailed information on key aspects of school safety and security.

This course focuses on available school level policies and guidelines in a simple and interactive manner to enhance knowledge of school disaster risk reduction in terms of roles and responsibilities of various key stakeholders. 2. Why is this course important? 1. School Community This course has been designed keeping in mind all the officials connected with the school administration system (School Mulnistration), teachers, students and parents.

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The course will familiarize the trainees with the fundamentals of school safety and security and enable them to implement suggested actions that contribute to the creation of a safe and secure environment for children. Government officials will also provide knowledge to key government stakeholders on local risks, their impact and developing RiskIntormed Development Plans to effectively and efficiently address school safety and security measures at the state level to effectively and efficiently formulate policy strategies. Information will be available. Additionally, this course can be taken by anyone who wants to develop a basic understanding of school safety and security.

Online courses in school safety and security

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Regarding joining online course on School Safety and Security through Deeksha Portal.

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