PM Svanidhi Yojana Apply for Loan
PM Svanidhi Yojana : Many schemes are run by the Government of India to raise the economic standard of living of the people. Many people have been taking advantage of it. In which equipment support and low interest rate loans and subsidies to farmers, Adlak Yojana for women, Shishyavrithi Yojana for students etc. are being run. Then there is one such scheme which is run PM Svanidhi Yojna. In which people are given loans from 10 thousand to 50 thousand without guarantee to start their new business. Come see more information.
Under this scheme, the government provides loans ranging from 10 thousand to 50 thousand rupees to small or big entrepreneurs. So that people become self-reliant. PM Svanidhi Yojana The scheme was launched from 1 June 2020. Another name of this scheme is also known as PM Street Vendor Atmanirbhar Nidhi.
PM Svanidhi Yojana Apply for Loan
post | PM Svanidhi Yojana Apply for Loan |
Name of the scheme | PM Swanidhi Yojana |
Beneficiary Any | citizen of the country |
purpose | Citizens of the country should get employment |
Loan amount | 10 thousand to 50 thousand |
Application Mode | Online |
Official website | |
- The Scheme is available to all street vendors (SV) engaged in vending in urban areas on or before March 24, 2020. The eligible vendors will be identified as per following criteria
- Street vendors identified in survey and in possession of Certificate of Vending / Identity Card issued by Urban Local Bodies (ULBs);
- The Vendors, who have been identified in the survey but have not been issued Certificate of Vending / Identity Card; Provisional Certificate of Vending would be generated for such vendors through an IT based Platform by ULBs.
- Street Vendors, left out of the ULB-led identification survey or who have started vending after completion of the survey and have been issued Letter of Recommendation (LoR) to that effect by the ULB / Town Vending Committee (TVC); and
- The vendors of surrounding development/ peri-urban / rural areas vending in the geographical limits of the ULBs and have been issued Letter of Recommendation (LoR) to that effect by the ULB / TVC.
PM Svanidhi Yojana Apply for Loan
Theli phadwala etc
and services like barber shops,
pan shops,
laundry services,
vegetable sellers ETC
PM Svanidhi Yojana Apply for Loan
- More than 50 lakh people can benefit from this scheme
- Under this scheme, the beneficiary can get a loan ranging from Rs 10 thousand to Rs 50 thousand.
- If you have taken a loan under this scheme and pay its installment every month, you are entitled to 7 percent subsidy.
- The major advantage of this scheme is that you will not have to pay any kind of interest if you default on the loan amount
- You will not have to give any kind of collateral or security or bond under this scheme.
PM Svanidhi Yojana Eligibility of the Scheme
- A person availing this scheme should be a citizen of India.
- The beneficiary of this scheme is determined as per Street Vendor Act 2014. It includes various businessmen like vegetable lorry, barber carpenter, cobbler, washerman.
- There is no age limit prescribed in this scheme.
- The borrower has to produce the Wendig certificate.
How To Apply
Follow 3 STEPs before starting the online Application Process:
Understand the loan application requirements
Properly understand the information documents required to fill the Loan application form (LAF) for the Scheme. Keep all the information ready before you start the application process.
Make sure your mobile number is linked to your Aadhaar
You are requested to make sure that your mobile phone is linked to your aadhaar number.This will be required for your e KYC/Aadhaar validation during online application process. It will also help you to get letter of Recommendation from ULB (in case required). It will also help you avail future benefits under Government welfare schemes.
It is understood from UIDAI officials that for updating mobile numbers, only a form has to be filled and no additional document is required. A link to UIDAI portal where you can find details of the nearest Aadhaar centre is provided below.
Check your eligibility status as per scheme Rules ion to be kept ready
You will fall in one of the following 4 categories of Street vendors. Check your status and the documents/ information which you need to keep ready
- First go to the official website
- Then click on the amount of loan you want.
- After that you have to enter the mobile number and enter the captcha.
- Special Note: Your mobile number and Aadhaar card must be linked.
- Now an OTP will be sent to your mobile and you have to enter it.
- Check your loan eligibility or not.
- Now the Planning to Apply For Loan page will open in front of you, read your details.
- Now you have to download a form that will open from it.
- Now, after filling the information in the form, attach the necessary supporting documents and go to the banks under this scheme and submit the application form.

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Important :- Please Confirm all the Information on Official Website / Notification / Advertisement.