Pratibhashali Teacher Pramanpatr

Pratibhashali Teacher Pramanpatr  

Matter of encouraging primary school teachers with “Talented Teacher Certificate”.  Pursuant to the above subject and reference to state that in accordance with the resolution dated 27/07/2019 of the Department of Education, the primary teacher who is doing excellent educational work in the primary school of the state and is enthusiastically active in school co-curricular activities, innovative experiments, social contribution etc.  


Pratibhashali Teacher Pramanpatr  

A scheme has been implemented to give “Talented Teacher Certificate” to the primary teacher / headmaster for the noble purpose of encouraging the head teacher. At the end of the first session of the current year 2021, after completing the process of selection of teachers for Talented Teacher Certificate, names have to be obtained from all over the state.  

However, due to non-availability of regular teaching in schools due to covid-19 global epidemic, it is not possible to fully follow the 100% multiplication selection process as outlined in conditions B-3 and 4 of section B of the said resolution.  

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For the selection process of teachers for “Talented Teacher Certificate”, the following criteria are considered and evaluated.  Will have to leave.    covid – 19 Teachers who have done special work for Home Learning during the epidemic.  Coordinated with students, parents and society during this epidemic, street education and online education work as per the instructions of the government as well as other tasks have been completed effectively and honestly. 

Has made significant contributions in the field of education and society in the last five years, has written articles in national / international publications, has done other activities like annual evaluation, online educational activities.  – Thus, each CRC will have to prepare a list of three names, keeping in view the above matters, properly checking out 100% of the marks, making the marks obtained.  


Pratibhashali Teacher Pramanpatr  

This list has to be sent to the Taluka Selection Committee by 31/07/2021. Also, the Taluka Selection Committee has taken into consideration the marks obtained from 100% marks and evaluated all the aspects, keeping in view all the facts.  A qualified teacher will have to be selected.  


The Taluka Selection Committee has selected the talented teacher, the list of names has to be sent to the District Primary Education Officer by 03/08/2021.  In the sheet itself, by 05/08/2021, the office of the Director of Primary Education, Gandhinagar should send the e-mail id of Dheri etc. in soft copy and hard copy on

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Number of Certificates For the Talented Teacher Certificate, one teacher / headmaster per cluster and per session for the entire state has to be selected and they have to be awarded “Talented Teacher Certificate.”  Method for selection of Talented Teacher:  The service is not to be taken into consideration and is to be received only once during the service period.  

Evaluation should be done on the basis of activity based on assessment, result of exit examination, result of annual examination, etc.  Writing essays, annual assessments, the teacher enthusiastically participates in school activities and the teacher appoints  Evaluation will have to be done from the activity based on whether Mit is getting training etc. 


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The CRC will prepare a list of three names for the selection of a talented teacher and submit it to the Taluka Committee keeping in view the overall aspects of the aforesaid multiplication and the Taluka Committee will select one name neutrally keeping in view all the facts. 

 The name selected by the taluka committee will be collected at the district level and submitted to the office of the Director, Primary Education.  And the names will be announced from the level of Director, Primary Education.  6. After the completion of the first and second sessions, the teachers will have to be selected once in a year following this procedure.

Note: Plz always check and confirm the all above details with the official website and Advertisement/ notification.


Pratibhashali Teacher Pramanpatr  

Pratibhashali Teacher Pramanpatr aapava babat Paripatr Date:-22/07/2021 tatha mul paripatr Date:-27/06/2019 CLICK HERE


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