Revising the date of higher pay under CCC

Revising the date of higher pay under CCC

Matter of Revising g the eligibility date of first / second higher pay scale under the provision of CCC


General Administration Department dated 28/07/2020.  Resolves no.  With regard to the provision of CCC examination for eligibility for higher pay scale from No. Khatap / 102005/1519 / Part-1K, it has been decided as follows, 

Revising the date of higher pay under CCC

(1) Government employees/officers who have passed CCC / CCC Plus examination by  In case of not being able to pass the CCC / CCC Plus examination conducted by the government recognized examination centers between 01/07/2016 to 31/12/2020 and other provisions for higher pay scale will be satisfactory, they will be eligible for their higher pay scale.  

Will be eligible to meet higher salary scale from date.  ), In case of having passed CCC / CCC Plus examination from 01/07/2016 to 31/12/2020 and the benefit of higher pay scale has been passed earlier, the higher pay scale has to be approved from the date of eligibility.  .  


Earlier, as per the resolution of the General Administration Department of the Government dated 20/09/2016, if the CCC examination applicable by 30/06/2016 has been passed, the provision to approve the higher salary standard from the date of eligibility was in effect. 

Revising the date of higher pay under CCC

 As per the provision of this resolution in the meeting, the first/second U.P.  G was recommended to be sanctioned and ordered accordingly.  Earlier in the case of officers/employees who were approved at that time under the provision of CCC, the first-second UPDHO was approved and now the date of the General Administration Department of the Government.  


 Proposals of the employees who have to amend the eligibility date of the first/second UPDHO as per the defeat of 28/07/2020  The office of the concerned Deputy Director (Training) out of all the officers/employees on duty at the industrial training institutes under the jurisdiction of his department has to submit the consolidated proposals of the officers/employees to be amended under the provision of CCC.  

Must be submitted by 20/12/2020.  So that the procedure for amending the eligibility date of the first/second U.P.Dho under the provision of the Resolution dated 28/07/2020 of the General Administration Department of the Government can be completed in time.

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Revising the date of higher pay under CCC

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