SHALA SIDDHI Self and External Evaluation of Schools

SHALA SIDDHI Self and External-Evaluation of Schools. School Standards and Evaluation Framework. Guidelines for Self and External-Evaluation of Schools


“National Programme on School Standards and Evaluation (NPSSE) is envisaged as a positive step to enable all schools to continuously engage themselves in self-improvement”

The need for effective schools and improving school performance is increasingly felt in the Indian education system to provide quality education for all children. The quality initiatives in school education sector, thus, necessitate focusing on school, its performance and improvement. Therefore, a growing emphasis is being placed upon developing a comprehensive and holistic school evaluation system as central to school improvement.

The National University of Educational Planning and Administration (NUEPA), under the aegis of Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), is leading the National Programme on School Standards and Evaluation (NPSSE). The NPSSE is an initiative that aims at evaluating each school as an institution and creating a culture of self-progression with accountability. The NPSSE visualizes ‘School Evaluation’ as the means and ‘School Improvement’ as the goal.

The programme envisions reaching all schools of the country by creating a sustainable and institutionalized system of school evaluation. Therefore, it seeks to develop a common understanding across stakeholders– of the what, the why and the how of school evaluation.

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NPSSE has built upon the strength of the current school evaluation initiatives like “Gunotsav” of Gujarat, Samiksha of Odisha, the evaluation framework developed by the Karnataka School Quality Assessment and Accreditation (KSQAAC), etc. It is also rooted in evidence- based international and national researches on school evaluation practices.


The School Standards and Evaluation Framework (SSEF) is developed as a comprehensive instrument for school evaluation. It enables the school to evaluate its critical performance areas against the well-defined criteria in a focused and stra

tegic manner. The SSEF is developed through a participatory approach, involvin state-level functionaries, district and block level education officers, educators, school heads, teacher unions, teachers, etc. It is based on mutual consensus of all stakeholders on ‘How to evaluate Indian schools’ to improve their performance. The SSEF has been piloted at each stage of i s development.


The SSE Framework is a strategic instrument for both self and external evaluation. Self- evaluation is considered as the nucleus of the school evaluation process. It is intended to provide the school personnel with a common understanding of the school’s overall performance and identify priority areas for development.

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External Evaluation follows as a complementary exercise to self-evaluation so as to ensure that the two approaches work in synergy and respect the strengths and insights that each brings to the overall evaluation. It aims to develop a complete picture of the school for supporting its overall improvement.

The School Evaluation Dashboard facilitate each school to provide consolidated self- evaluation report in key performance domains and core standards, including action for improvement. It has three parts i. Basic Information about learners and teachers ii. ‘SchoolEvaluation Composite Matrix’, which provides the holistic picture of school performance across seven key domains and their core standards and iii. Action for Continuous School Im

provement Plan. The dashboard has also the provision for external evaluation report. The ‘School Evaluation Dashboard’ is available online in a dedicated web portal. Each school can submit its self-evaluation report by using the interactive web portal. The external evaluators have to use the same web portal to provide their evaluation report. A consolidated school evaluation report, encompassing both self and external evaluation is generated online by the web portal.

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The ‘School Evaluation Dashboard’ can be used for viewing and analysing school evaluation report and data which can further be consolidated at the block, district, and state level to extend appropriate support to school. It also facilitates schools in monitoring their own progress and improvement over the years. It would further direct the schools to take appropriate action for its continuous improvement and allow for revisiting their practices. The consolidated data at the block, district and state level can also direct policy-level decisions across the levels. for more read documents.


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Registration Form for Shaala Siddhi State Online Capacity Building Programme for Gujarat

Teacher Registration Link

Information Brochure

School Standards and Evaluation Framework

School Evaluation Dashboard

External Evaluation Dashboard

Guidelines for Evidence-based School Improvement

Other Language Documents

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