Some of the world oldest inhabited cities
Some of the world oldest inhabited cities. The oldest inhabited metropolises in the world aren’t simply metropolises with unique armature and heritage. They’ve a distinct mark on old societies and once ages. Then are some of the oldest metropolises in the world that are still inhabited.
Jericho, West Bank
This,000 times old Palestinian mega-city has traces of habitation dating back to 9000 BC. The mega-city is believed to be destroyed in 1500 BC either by an earthquake or an Egyptian irruption, presently, it has over,000 resides. Jericho is also the smallest mega city in the world with an altitude of-258 m. The mega city is located in the Jordan vale, with the Jordan swash on one side and Jerusalem on the other side.
Damascus, Syria
Another,000- time-old mega city, Damascus has been included in the UNESCO World Heritage list since 1979. Inhabited since 10000 BC, Damascus has been the target of numerous trimmers and emperors. Amerasian known for enforcing ultramodern water network systems formerly lived in Damascus; the mega city was latterly seized by Alexander the Great. Despite the uneasiness, it remains a popular sightseer destination.
Aleppo, Syria
This,000- time-old mega city is presently home to 4.4 million Syrians. Aleppo is cited in the Paleo-sumptuous times as ‘ Halab ’ and was enthralled by Assyrian, Greek, Romans, Byzantines, and Arabs, sieges by the zealots, and also conquered by the Mongols and the Banquettes Persian. Aleppo’s structures and vestiges reveal the different societies of its history.
Athens, Greece
Inhabited for over,000 times, Athens is considered the cradle of republic and western civilization. Once home to the Ottoman, intricate, and Roman societies, the mega city has imprints of all of these societies ’ societies and diversity. Athens is also known as the mega city of conspicuous proponents, pens, playwrights, and artists.

Erbil, Iraqi Kurdistan
Believed to be continuously inhabited since,000 BC, Erbil is mainly known for the fortified agreement girding Erbil Citadel. The 100 bases multitudinous artificial mound which was gradation ally moldered as a result of mortal agreement at the literal mega city center of Erbil is a UNESCO World Heritage point. This ancient mega city is now known for its buzzing escapism and stores.
Varanasi, India

Also known as Banaras, this sacred mega city has been a religious and artistic center in India for over 5000 times. Varanasi is a perfect admixture of an ancient civilization, religion, and church making it a notorious destination the world over.
Byblos in Lebanon, Susa in Iran, and Jerusalem in Israel are some other oldest metropolises that are still inhabited.