To examine the outcomes, we started finding and deconstructing discoveries contained in the articles. This implied summing up the articles and separating discoveries. Once separated, we checked discoveries as unequivocal, valid, or unsupported. We then, at that point, made a network to follow the articles and their particular discoveries.
Union of discoveries included conglomeration of unequivocal and sound discoveries into more extensive units and topics and distinguishing proof of subthemes. Understanding included clarification of the totaled discoveries, directed by the utilization of a hypothetical structure.
We accept that the investigations taken together propose that understudies take online courses for various individual reasons. A few components impact their experience, some of which understudies control and some of which staff control. Understudies need to adjust work and family, to oversee time, and to make an individual responsibility.
Teachers should attempt to set up presence without physical copresence, work to fabricate intellective associations with understudies, and work to make a feeling of local area. It is an equilibrium between understudy and teacher factors that impact personnel and understudy encounters. Our hypothetical system would recommend that it is the shortfall of physical copresence that changes the idea of collaboration.
ધોરણ 1 ની ટેસ્ટ આપવા નીચે આપેલ પ્રકરણ પર ક્લિક કરવું.
3 સુરજ અને શશી ક્વિઝ માટે અહિ ક્લિક કરવું
ગુજરાતી એકમ કસોટી:- ૨. રિંછ અને દડો
આગળની તમામ ટેસ્ટ આપવા અહિ ક્લિક કરવું
The understudies consequently experience their learning surroundings in a more unique and intellective manner. At times, understudies appeared to miss the actual markers and prompts that made social associations simpler to arrange.
Others appeared to flourish in the new climate. While a portion of the obligation rests with the understudy, much rests with the teacher to make energetic internet based encounters that take into consideration new intellective abilities to be created and utilized. Our union furnished an assessment of understudies’ encounters with internet learning.
Start to reveal understudies’ encounters with internet learning in light of the fact that doing as such can assist with showing powerful web-based practices, understudy impression of web based learning, and understudy fulfillment in the web-based climate. These can give data concerning whether understudies will probably keep on tolerating on the web conveyance of guidance and variables that will impact their tirelessness and maintenance in these courses.
ધોરણ 2 ની ટેસ્ટ આપવા નીચે આપેલ પ્રકરણ પર ક્લિક કરવું.
એકમ 12: બે મિત્રો ક્વિઝ રમવા અહિ ક્લિક કરવું
ગુજરાતી એકમ કસોટી :- ૧0. વાંદરાભાઇનું ઘર
ગુજરાતી એકમ કસોટી :- ૧0. વાંદરાભાઇનું ઘર
એકમ :- ૧૭, ૧૮ તમે કેટલું વજન ઊંચકી શકો અને પેટર્ન
ગણિત એકમ :- ૧૭ તમે કેટલું વજન ઊંચકી શકો
આગળની તમામ ટેસ્ટ આપવા અહિ ક્લિક કરવું
Thair review inspected what educator instantaneousness meant for understudies’ encounters in a web-based climate. Dickey’s review talked about what the intellectual apprenticeship model meant for understudies in web based learning courses.
Hara and Kling’s review researched understudies’ disappointments and experiences with internet learning courses, while Zembylas et al. directed a comparable report researching grown-up students’ feelings in an internet setting. Motteram and Forrester examined understudies’ points of view on beginning an alumni online program in schooling.
Pragna and Class 1, 2 all Materials Click here
Holly and Taylor investigated understudies’ encounters in an internet nursing course, and Howland and Moore concentrated on understudies’ insights and encounters in web-based courses. Shieh et al. explored understudies’ and teachers’ view of a web-based course.
Lyall and McNamara took a gander at effects on understudies’ learning in web-based courses, and Whipp and Lorentz investigated what help from teachers meant for understudies’ web based learning encounters.