STD 1 to 8 Students Mass Promotion

STD 1 to 8 Students Mass Promotion

STD 1 to 8 Students Mass Promotion to all students in academic year 2020-21 in Gujarat Primary School

Due to the recent outbreak of Coronavirus (Covid-19) in the state, a decision has been announced by the Government on 15/04/2021 to hold a press conference and give mass promotion to students studying in Std. 1 to 8 in the state.  As per this decision of the Government, due to the widespread spread of Corona in the state, all the students studying in Std 1 to 8.

Currently Students are being imparted education through various mediums under Home Learning which will continue in future also. In addition, students will be assessed periodically as part of a continuous assessment of students as well as remedial work, but no student will have to fail based on the results of this assessment. Ancillary detailed instructions in this regard should be issued by GCERT, Gandhinagar.

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STD 1 to 8 Students Mass Promotion

GENERAL  TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1.  Free Look period:  During  the  Free  Look  period,  if  the  Master  Policyholder/  any  Member  is  not  satisfied with  the  Te rms  and  Conditions,  then  the  Master  Policyholder  may  return  the  policy  /the  member  may return  the  Certificate  of  Insurance  through  the  Master  Policyholder  stating  the  reasons  of  objection.   On  receipt  of  the  same  the  Corporation  shall  cancel  the  policy  or  Certificate  of  Insurance  and  return the  amount  of  single  premium  deposited  after  deducting  the  proportionate  risk  premium  for  the period  on  cover  and  charges  for  medical  examination,  special  reports,  if  any  and  stamp  duty.

 Nomination  by  a member  of  a  policy  is  required  as  per  Section  39  of  the  Insurance  Laws  (Amendment) Act,  2015,  as  amended  from  time  to  time.  It  is  generally  insisted  that  the  nominee  shall  be  very  close relative  of  the  member.  The  notice  of  nomination  or  change  of  nomination  should  be  submitted  for registration  to  the  office  of  the  Corporation,  where  the  policy  is  serviced.   

For  underwriting  acceptance,  evidence  of  insurability  satisfactory  to  the  Corporation,  wherever  asked for,  in  the  form  and  manner  prescribed  by  the  Corporation  shall  be  furnished  in  respect  of  an individual  before  admitting  him/her  as  a  Member  of  this  policy.  If  the  evidence  submitted  in  respect  of the  individual  is  not  satisfactory  or  the  insurance  cover  on  his  life  involves  special  risk  or  hazard  of  a medical  or  other  nature,  the  Corporation  may  modify  the  terms  of  acceptance  of  the  insurance  cover. 

 The  normal  documents  which  the  Master  Policyholder  shall  submit  while  lodging  the  claim  in  case  of death  of  the  member  shall  be  claim  forms,  as  prescribed  by  the  Corporation,  accompanied  with  the duly  filled  discharge  form  along  with  original  Certificate  of  Insurance/  consent  letter,  NEFT  mandate from  the  claimant  for  direct  credit  of  the  claim  amount  to  the  bank  account,  proof  of  title,  proof  of death,  records  of  medical  treatment  prior  to  the  death,  whichever  is  applicable,  to  the  satisfaction  of the  Corporation.   

Evidence  of  age  of  the  Member,  if  not  admitted  earlier,  satisfactory  to  the  Corporation  will  be required  before  any  benefits  in  respect  of  him  are  paid  under  the  Policy.


Also Read  Ek Kadam Agal GCERT

STD 1 to 8 Students Mass Promotion

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