STD 10 MATHS PAPER SSC Board paper

GSEB dvara levayel STD 10 MATHS purak parixa AUGUST 2020 paper
To inform the principals, teachers, administrative staff, parents and students of all the secondary schools of the state recognized by the Gujarat Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education, Gandhinagar that the supplementary examination of Std. 10 will start from 25/08/2020. Candidates’ Admission Card (Holtikit) dated 18/08/2020 can be found at or or Index Number and Registered Mobile Number or E-mail Id Can be downloaded by logging in.
By printing the admission card (hall ticket) and verifying the subjects / medium as per the application form of the supplementary examination 2020 examination, affixing the photo of the examinee, the signature of the examinee, the signature of the examinee’s class teacher as well as the principal’s signature-coins (half signature and coins) Must be given to the examinees and with it the print of the instruction of Std. 10 (No. 1 to 12) for the examination must be given to the examinee along with the signature of the examinee and the principal.
The distribution list placed online along with the admission ticket (HoltiKit) has to be signed with the admission ticket (HoltiKit) and the change of notice. All his relatives are requested to take note and take necessary action within the time limit. In case of any other discrepancies regarding the subjects of the examinee, the secondary branch of the office of the Board at Gandhinagar should be contacted with the necessary grounds.
1. Admission with photos of all the candidates for the supplementary 2020 examination is given online. The principal has to verify the photo of the candidate, sign the photo and certify it and submit the entry to the candidate. A printout without a coin signed by the principal will not be considered valid.
2. The photo of the candidates will be printed in black and white on the online printed printout of Holtikit. In addition, a photo of the candidate should be affixed in the square box at the bottom of the printout and signed by the principal.
3. Candidates who do not have a photo of the candidate in their primer and have found a primer with a photo of another candidate instead of one candidate i.e. another candidate who has to take the correct photo of that candidate and attest the photo by sticking the photo in the primer and Xerox of that candidate’s March 2020 hall ticket.
A copy should be kept along with the evidence at the time of examination. So that the continental supervisor can identify the true student. (The matter is not to be referred to the Board’s Gandhinagar office for rectification.)
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