STD 3 to 5 Svadhyaypothi

STD 3 to 5 Svadhyaypothi ( Self Study Textbooks) by GCERT

STD 3 to 5 Svadhyaypothi
STD 3 to 5 Svadhyaypothi ( Self Study Textbooks) by GCERT

STD 3 to 5 Svadhyaypothi ( Self Study Textbooks) by GCERT

Teachers and parents jog … 
Emphasis is placed on students’ high thinking skills all over the world, not only that | But high thinking skills have become an integral part of the learning process. Of education | 
The place of memory in the process is rapidly gaining understanding, application as well as re-creation. That is why in this self-study book, the proportion of memory based questions has been kept low and thought based and understanding based questions have been included.
 The answer to such questions is to motivate the student to reason and seek answers rather than to be given by the teacher or the parent. The process of finding answers for the students will make them learnable. In some places, the questions have been framed according to the need for conciliation. Teacher / guardian for students here too Motivation seems to be important. Lessons vary in different states of the country.
 In those circumstances, there will be adequate guidance in the direction in which the students are to be directed towards the study outcomes, so that our students can be included in national level surveys like National Achievement Survey (NAS). Deer will shine. Even in international surveys our students own 
 There will be ample opportunities for demonstration, curriculum and assessment of students after the implementation of the Right to Education Act – 2009. There is a need to think differently about the devices, as well as to make sure that the student excels in each subject considering the various suggestions outlined in the NC, F-2005.
 The experts who have prepared the self-study book have taken full note of the above matters. The uniqueness of the literature given in the self-study book is that it contains students’ | Different responses are also accepted.
 In addition to the details in the students’ textbooks, teachers and parents have to do Between the lines in the textbook and so on Beyond the textbook thinking, reading and receiving information. The medium is to provide inspiration and study materials to the students. It is hoped that this self-study book will be very useful to all the students in the National Education Policy 2020 when the emphasis is on study outcomes.
Guys, this is a self-study book.  Your language teacher will teach you during the ‘study’ of the textbook.  The study here is for you to do yourself.  Of course, your teacher will definitely guide you wherever you surname.  We believe that you can specify the activities listed here.
  Self-study is the next step in the textbook.  Here you will find a rehearsal of the study points of the textbook. Activities that enrich English as a language can also be found in this self-study book. Friends, do most of the activities in pairs or in groups.
  Where there is instruction of silent reading, reading aloud, read accordingly.  In some places you will even have to play dialogues, play it.  In short, the activities here are not limited to just silent reading and writing.  Come on in, take a look and enjoy yourself!

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STD 3 to 5 Svadhyaypothi ( Self Study Textbooks) by GCERT


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