Students Scholarship Digital Gujarat
Students Scholarship Digital Gujarat. All the principal of recognized primary and secondary schools of the state are informed that for academic Year 2021-22 Pre matric scholarship will be started from 07/06/2021.
Students Scholarship- Digital Gujarat
Instructions for filling up the application forms of Post Matric Scholarship Scheme online for students of developing castes 2020-21.
Fill the online form only after reading all the instructions.
Student Application Method) Students must first register as a citizen on Digital Gujarat Portal website. The new registration has to be done through Aadhaar number, E-mail ID, mobile as well as password decided by oneself. Since E-mail ID and mobile are mandatory in registration, it is mandatory for students to have E-mail ID and mobile number. (This mobile number should be kept in working condition till the scholarship / assistance is received) After registration, the student has to login again and update his profile (My Profile).
Students who have previously done profile registration on Digital Gujarat Portal (such as applying online for a scholarship scheme through Sadarhu Portal in the previous year, applying for a tablet or applying for benefits in other scholarship schemes of the portal) will not be required to re-register. They will be able to apply directly to the applicable scheme with the previous Login In – Password.
Students who have forgotten their ID-Password of the previous year will have to click on “Forget Password” and get an OTP on their registered mobile and create a new password. After getting the new password, your mobile number will be User ID as well as the password that has been created. The “Forget Password” menu is available on the login page on the Digital Gujarat Portal.
Students whose registered mobile number has been lost or blocked for any reason, will be eligible for the district’s 0.B.C. / S.C. / S.T. He can change his mobile number in his profile by contacting the office and establishing his identity. After logging in to the Digital Gujarat Portal, all the students will have to apply online by clicking on the “scholarship” option.
Students Scholarship Digital Gujarat

All students are required to do seeding with Aadhaar card and bank account. Therefore, all the students are requested to provide the details to their bank immediately for leaking (seeding) along with their Aadhaar card and bank account. The student residing in the hostel has to download the hostel certificate from the digital Gujarat portal, scan it and upload it after getting the signature / proof from the concerned hostel authority.
Which can be downloaded from the “Instruction” page while applying. The last date to apply on the portal is 15/12/2020. With this in mind, by 15/12/2020, all the students will have to register on the above portal and apply online in the applicable scheme. Developing caste students of Gujarat origin (Out State). If they are studying in a recognized institute, they also have to apply online and submit a copy of all the documents uploaded along with the application form and a copy of the institute’s accreditation, its syllabus accreditation and the institute’s fee approval order to the institute’s district office.
If the student has applied online and has not submitted the final or the print of the application has not been submitted to his / her institution along with all the documents, then the application of the student will not be considered.
Note: Plz always check and confirm the all above details with the official website and Advertisement/ notification.
Students Scholarship Digital Gujarat