All of this is discussed in another chapter of the book. Virtual Classroom A virtual classroom is a system based on information technology that connects a group of students geographically in the same place or in different places with a teacher and pedagogy. M-Learning: M-learning means mobile learning. This is a unique approach to e-learning, in which students study online using cellphones, smartphones, tablets or laptops.  
 (Blended Learning): In Blended Learning, some part of the curriculum is taught through e-learning and some part is through formal education system.
Web Based Training (WBT): This is a method of web based instruction in which trainees are trained by creating a certain type of virtual environment. It uses high-end multimedia for communication. In addition, it uses modern techniques such as animation, video, audio and teleconferencing.  
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Online Learning: A system based on website, internet and social networking system is known as online learning system in which the learner can study using his commuter, smartphone or other electronic devices sitting anywhere and at any time.  Video Conferencing: An ICT-based system that connects a group of students geographically or at different locations with teachers and pedagogues through a multidisciplinary live-interactive teaching-learning process.  


            With a view to controlling the effects of COVID-19 across the country, under the powers conferred by The Disaster Management Act, 2005, the Union Home Ministry’s 24/03/2020  Order of   40-3 / 2020 – From DM-1 (A) all the services in the whole country have been suspended except for the essential services from 25/03/2020 for 21 days, thereafter from time to time by the order of the Union Home Ministry.  Extended till 30/09/2020 and some activities started in phases.  

        Considering the effects of COVID-19 in the whole country, as per the instructions of the National Disaster Management Authority, the order number of the Union Home Ministry dated 30/09/2020.  40-3 2020 – DM – 1 (A) to Containment Zone Dt. 31/10/2020 The lockdown period has been extended till 31.10.2030, and in areas other than the containment zone, it has been ordered to continue the prescribed activities as per the guidelines.  


          Therefore, as per the order of the Union Ministry of Home Affairs dated 30,09.2020, in the Containment zone declared in the entire state, from 01, 10,2020 to 31/10/2020.  The lockdown period is extended till now and it is decided to continue the prescribed activity in the areas other than the Containment zone as per the guidelines of the Central Government. 

         will not be able to declare a lockdown at the local level in areas other than the Containment zone at the local level (dis. / subdivision/city) without prior consultation with the government.  So that if there is a need for lockdown at the local level, a detailed proposal has to be sent to the Home Department of the State Government for the prior approval of the Central Government, which can be followed by 1.ockdown at the local level after approval of the Central Government. 
     On the other hand, in the case of Social Detergency and Case Convergence, Kharogya and Parivar Kachan Sampralaya, the Government of India is allowed on condition that they follow the guidelines.CLICK HERE FOR LETTER
Note: Plz always check and confirm the all above details with the official website and Advertisement/ notification.

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